10 Things WWE Need To Get Right On The Road To WrestleMania

3. Let Reigns Do His Own Work

With WrestleMania a month away, the main event is officially locked in as Roman Reigns v Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. WWE have had a hard time convincing a large contingent of their audience that Reigns is worthy of the match and that he has what it takes to hang with a beast like Brock Lesnar. So far, everything WWE have done to put Reigns over has backfired on them, including having The Rock appear at the Royal Rumble, and most recently, having Daniel Bryan and Paul Heyman sing his praises for fifteen minutes last week on Raw. It€™s easy to see what the common link and the problem is with WWE€™s approach here is, and that€™s the use of other people the fans like more, telling them they should cheer for Reigns. Roman Reigns didn€™t have a problem getting cheered when he was in The Shield, and that€™s because he was a take no-nonsense powerhouse who shut up, put his head down and ran straight through people. In all the pomp and circumstance, it€™s got lost along the way that Roman Reigns is undeniably cool, and WWE should just let him do his own thing. Roman Reigns€™ ascent to the top is already too forced, and WWE just aren€™t doing a thing to make that any better. It€™s a formula that€™s worked for decades and will work again, just let the man use his god-given charisma, put him in situations and matches that allow him to showcase his skills and the fans will come around naturally.

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