10 Things WWE Needs To Improve In 2018

5. Women At WrestleMania

seth rollins

News that the first-ever all-female Royal Rumble will take place next month gives us many things to cheer about, not least of all that it pretty much guarantees at least one of the Women's Title matches at WrestleMania 34 will be a straight-up singles bout built around a long-term feud.

This year's 'Mania provided a timely reminder that work is still to be done if WWE's female division is ever to find equal footing with its male counterpart. The Raw and SmackDown offerings both had the whiff of last-minute, thrown-together booking designed principally to get everyone on the card.

And that's not a lamentable ambition. It's just that the resultant multi-person matches tend tend to lack the traditional WrestleMania story of two evenly-matched competitors, both at the very top of their game, finding out which one is stronger on the biggest stage.

What really irks about this year's booking is that Bayley conquering Charlotte's PPV streak in Orlando looked, on paper, like the perfect example of that. For reasons unknown to anyone not named Vince McMahon, it was decided the title change should happen on Raw instead.

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seth rollins
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