10 Things WWE SmackDown Must Do Ahead Of WrestleMania 33

7. Establish Dolph Ziggler As A Heel Somehow

Randy Orton Bray Wyatt Luke Harper

After turning heel a few weeks back, things haven’t quite gone according to plan for Dolph Ziggler.

Though he’s managed to end his winless run, the most notable aspect of this heel turn has been that he’s invariably getting more cheers now than he was when he was working as a babyface. Even when he was beating down Kalisto and Apollo Crews with a steel chair in hand, audiences responded with audible chants of "thank you Ziggler" on more than one occasion.

It could be argued that their gratitude is just relief at having finally seen Ziggler make the switch to playing the bad guy. But either way, it’s something that needs to be rectified, otherwise it’s just going to prevent guys like Kalisto and Crews from ever getting over as faces themselves.

Perhaps the first step is to stop having Ziggler resort to using a steel chair. In the PG climate of the modern era, hitting people with weapons is becoming less of a cowardly heel move and more of a crowd-pleaser tactic. And for the love of god, no more handicap matches with odds that favour the good guys…


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