10 Things WWE SmackDown Must Do Ahead Of WrestleMania 33

2. Wrap Naomi In Cotton Wool!

Randy Orton Bray Wyatt Luke Harper

Speaking of Naomi’s injury, the latest word is that her chances of making a recovery in time for WrestleMania 33 are very much up in the air. Dave Meltzer reported in this week’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter that "it wasn’t made clear if she’d make it back for WrestleMania but it won’t be a long recovery."

In other words: it's touch and go at the moment.

Having only recently won the title, it was widely expected that Naomi would walk into ‘Mania as the champion—a show which just so happens to be taking place from the state in which she was born.

That detail only makes the news of her setback even more unfortunate, while it also means that a fairytale WrestleMania storyline, in which Naomi returns from injury and regains the title in her home state, is very much in jeopardy.

Of course, with more than a month to go until show time, there’s still plenty of time for her to make a full recovery. To give that the best chance of happening, though, Naomi needs to wrap herself in cotton wool and take every precaution necessary to ensure she's healthy in time.


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