10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Bret Hart

6. His March 17, 1997 Rant On Raw Was Full Of Swear Words

Hart had a lot of great years in WWE, but it can be argued that his last year as a full timer in 1997 was Bret at his best. He started the year as a face. Then he turned heel around the time of WrestleMania 13 thanks to his amazing rivalry with Steve Austin. Six days prior to that match with Austin, Hart was frustrated in the ring and went on an expletive filled tirade. It also took place after he shoved WWE Chairman Vince McMahon on his ass. Here's his promo word for word with some of the swear words edited as per WhatCulture policy. "Frustrated isn't the goddamn word for it! This is BULLS**T! You screwed me, everybody screwed me and nobody does a goddamn thing about it! Nobody in the building cares, nobody in the dressing room cares, so much goddamn injustice around here, I've had it up to here! Everybody knows it! I know it! EVERYBODY knows it! I should be the World Wrestling Federation Champion! Everybody just keeps turning a blind eye, you keep turning a blind eye to it, I've got that Gorilla Monsoon, he turns a blind eye to it, everybody in that Goddamn dressing room knows that I'm the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be! And if you don't like it, tough S**T!" When Hart swore the words weren't bleeped out. The announcers apologized for it repeatedly. It was a side of Bret we had never seen anymore. It was an amazing angle, but when WWE talks about Bret they only talk about his heroic actions. That's why this was a moment that WWE really wants us to forget.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.