10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Brock Lesnar

4. That Undertaker Hasn't Beat Him On PPV

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR23vXrvyIU In the buildup to The Undertaker's match with Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30, WWE likes to omit something that they should probably mention because if they did it would make Undertaker seem like a bit of an underdog. What's that omission? The fact that in the three PPV matches that Undertaker has had with Lesnar from over a decade, Undertaker failed to defeat him. That's something that WWE always seems to do with Undertaker. When he had two WrestleMania matches against Triple H at WM27 and WM28, they didn't like to point out that Undertaker already beat him at WrestleMania 17. Perhaps it is something WWE doesn't want to do because if they did then they would think the Undertaker comes off as a weak character. They always want to keep him strong, so they choose to ignore his past. The first Lesnar/Undertaker PPV match was at Unforgiven 2002 after Lesnar won the WWE Title a month earlier at SummerSlam. They did a lame double disqualification finish when both guys kept fighting and referee Brian Hebner disqualified them both. In a recent issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer noted that Lesnar was supposed to go over via a disputed pinfall finish, but Undertaker didn't that like that. They changed it to the double DQ instead. At the PPV that followed, No Mercy, Lesnar defeated Undertaker clean in a Hell in a Cell match. It was a bloody brawl that had an impressive finish as Lesnar countered a Tombstone into an F5 for the finish. Just another impressive feat of strength by Lesnar. Credit to Undertaker for putting him over clean and helping Lesnar become a bigger star. Their last PPV match was at the following year's No Mercy event in 2003 when Lesnar defeated Undertaker in a chain match. It wasn't a clean finish, though. Vince McMahon helped Lesnar win as a way to set up Lesnar's match with Undertaker at Survivor Series. They had other matches on television too, but it's the PPV matches that matter more. They're also the ones that WWE chooses to ignore even though they would help paint the picture that Lesnar has Undertaker's number.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.