10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Jerry Lawler

6. The "Puppies" Phrase Was Started By Road Dogg Not Him

If there's one word that has become Jerry Lawler's catchphrase as announcer it's the phrase "puppies." That's the word that Lawler used to shout repeatedly whenever a hot woman was at ringside with the term puppies referring to the woman's breasts. Fans picked up on the term as well because there were "we want puppies" chants on WWE TV for many years from the time it started 1999 until it died down in the late 2000s when WWE went PG in 2008. A lot of people probably think the "puppies" line was a Lawler creation. It was not. During the April 19, 1999 edition of Raw, the Road Dogg was set for a match against Owen Hart, who was managed by Debra. At the time, Debra's gimmick was that she would unbutton her top to show off her cleavage to distract opponents in order to help Jeff Jarrett and Owen win matches. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfJn_yDpRHs Road Dogg told Owen that if Owen could beat him then Owen & Jeff would be the number one contenders to the tag titles. Then Road Dogg told him that if he whips Owen's ass then everybody gets to see Debra's puppies. He got that name because he's the "D-O-double G" and just like that the puppies craze was born. Lawler kept the phrase alive on commentary for years. Fans in the arena did too. Whether it was Road Dogg that actually came up with it or maybe it was Vince McMahon or his head writer Vince Russo it doesn't matter. It's just that fans always will associate "puppies" with Lawler even though he wasn't the guy that really started saying it on WWE TV.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.