10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Mick Foley

3. He Left WWE In 2008 Because Vince McMahon Yelled At Him Too Much On Commentary

Foley did a lot of things in his WWE career. He wrestled, he was a commissioner and he took part in angle even after retiring as a way to put over younger talent. He also did commentary for about 3.5 months in 2008 starting in April and ending in mid-August of that year. The reason he left is because he got tired of Vince McMahon's way of yelling in his ear during commentary, which goes back to something that others have talked about in the post. Vince wants the announcers to get over certain angles and if he doesn't like something he would get real aggressive about it. Here's how Foley explained it shortly after his departure in 2008: "It would be tough to overstate how much I disliked my last 3 1/2 months with WWE. It was a month before I got the first dose of Vince's unique medicine. I spoke to him the next day about it and told him I couldn't remember the last time I had been belittled and treated so disrespectfully. I accepted his apology and accepted that it was just part of a bad night he was having. But within a few weeks I realized that it would be part of the job and that I had to make a decision as to whether I found that acceptable. In the end I told Vince that's not why I slept in my car and slept on a cot in the Red Roof Inn even while I was WWE Champion. There's got to be a moral to every story, and I don't think you save money and sacrifice to do something you really don't want to do when you're 43." Apparently his contract expired soon after, so he let it run out and that's when he jumped to TNA. If you only watch WWE, though, you likely had no idea what happened to him or why he was gone aside from taking a beating from Edge on Smackdown to build up that year's SummerSlam event.
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Mick Foley
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.