10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Adam Rose
6. Rose's Masterpiece
World Wrestling Entertainment has a long history of starting storylines that never get finished, of hinting towards reveals that are never revealed. Sometimes this is for the best, as whenever the word 'reveal' comes up in WWE storytelling the end game more often than not is 'Hornswoggle'.
When Adam Rose turned on the Exotic Express and announced that the party was over, his gimmick was tweaked somewhat. Instead of a rampant party animal he became something of a pompous artiste, which in all honesty is just another way of saying 'he became an artist'.
This came with the expected denigration of the WWE Universe, claiming that they didn't understand art. Rose also promised to eventually reveal his masterpiece, but this never came to fruition.
Another story started and abandoned by WWE. We can only assume Rose's 'masterpiece' was indeed Hornswoggle.