10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Aleister Black

5. “Pick A Fight” Went On Way Too Long

Aleister Black Vince McMahon

One of the terminal issues with Black's entire WWE run was that creative launched a seemingly-exciting idea and then destroyed it with mind-numbing repetition. For example, the sheer number of times Aleister appeared before fans in backstage skits and encouraged other workers to "pick a fight with meeeeee" was ludicrous.

This happened week after week after week without any answer. Then, when Cesaro finally decided that he fancied a crack at Black, WWE returned to the exact same formula following their hidden gem of a match at Extreme Rules 2019.

His vignettes seemed cool at first, but they dragged on without any real sense of purpose. If Black wasn't satisfied by somebody like Cesaro answering his challenge, then what did he want? Nobody stopped to explain this - WWE only needed to reveal that Aleister was really hoping to snare a champion with his bold words, but they didn't bother.

Nah, cowardly shying away from Buddy Murphy's challenge was the way to go. Apparently.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.