10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Bill Demott

3. Naked Jelly Donut Stinkface?

Another classic story from the Deep South Wrestling files, now. Because DeMott's workouts were so gruelling/dangerous to some, there would often be a chance for them to get out of the training if they volunteered to do a task/forfeit of Bill's choosing. One of these forfeits was what has become known as the 'naked jelly donut stinkface' incident. In order to get out of training one day, developmental talents Zack Ryder (yes, that one) and Melissa Coates agreed to let Doc Gallows stinkface them close to twenty times, while Bill placed donuts on their face. Gallows was also completely naked, by the way. No, this is not being made up. Above is the picture evidence to prove it, complete with DeMott laughing merrily in the background. Why valuable training time (that WWE was paying for) was being taken up with these childish, homoerotic games is anyone's guess. Apparently there were other incidences like this one and it was one of the reasons that lead to DeMott's release from his post as DSW trainer in 2007. Apparently Ryder and Coates were cheered on by the rest of the crew, who were more-than-happy with the fact that they didn't have to train on a Friday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tldF3V9hyOI

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...