10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Booker T

7. Booker Was A Homegrown WCW Star First

Booker T WCW Title

Similarly, the fact Booker T was a genuine homegrown WCW star doesn't exactly fit WWE's long-standing narrative that Bill Goldberg was the "only" top name created in Atlanta.

Years before Vince McMahon decided that Booker would make a fine World Champion under his umbrella, WCW were pinning their hopes on him as a main event star. Granted, it did take years for WCW's creative team to realise what they had (he was arguably ready for main events by 1998 but didn't win his first World Title until 2000), but they still got in there first.

Booker was a loyal WCW soldier who worked effectively as a tag-team attraction, mid card workhorse and eventually the top babyface. Don't be fooled into thinking he only got there because WCW was going down the tubes by the summer of 2000 either.

His connection to longtime WCW fans was a natural one, and his rise to the top remains one of the best in company history.

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