10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Booker T

6. His Part In WCW's Relaunch Failure

Buff Bagwell Booker T

Typical WWE revisionist history would lead everyone to believe that Buff Bagwell was less "Totally Buff" on the 2 July 2001 episode of Raw and more totally crap. He's the one who shoulders all the blame for the one match that killed McMahon interest in a full-on WCW offshoot brand, and it's not really fair.

Booker was part of the match too, and it takes two to tango.

In truth, the match wasn't actually that bad. Though it wasn't as crisp as some brawling main events the WWF fans had grown used to, Booker vs. Bagwell suffered from lofty expectations it could never hope to live up to. It also didn't help that both were presented as invading heels, so staunch WWF fans didn't know who to root for.

Whenever WWE bring up the match now, it's usually to lambast Buff for his performance. Booker is spared the same treatment, and that's hardly fair. If they're going to criticise one, they should criticise both. Or, WWE could realise that they booked Bagwell and Booker into a no-win situation.

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Booker T
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