10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Christian

8. His Royal Rumble 2009 Moment Was Scrapped

Edge Matt Jeff Hardy

According to the Wrestling Observer, it was Christian who was supposed to cost Jeff Hardy the WWE Title at the 2009 Royal Rumble. By being inserted immediately into such a high-profile feud, he'd have looked like a million bucks. For some reason, likely because it seemed the most logical path to fans online, WWE changed their minds.

Matt Hardy would turn heel by bashing his brother with a steel chair instead, and that meant no Christian. Fans chanting his name in Detroit's Joe Louis Arena that night were left disappointed. To WWE, that didn't matter, because they wanted to promote Matt vs. Jeff at WrestleMania XXV anyway.

What a missed opportunity to recreate some of the fun and games The Hardyz, Edge and Christian had worked almost a decade earlier in TLC matches.

The resultant Hardy Boyz rivalry didn't work out well for either brother, Christian ended up on ECW and WWE neglected to give him a big comeback moment at all. Boo.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.