10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Dolph Ziggler

1. Kerwin White's Caddie

Kerwin White Chavo Guerrero

"I wake up every morning, can't wait to embrace the day - I take my coffee by the pool. I pass my picket fence and gaze across my new mowed lawn. I never thought my life could be this good".

Those were the lyrics to Kerwin White's short-lived entrance theme in 2004-2005, and we seriously doubt that Dolph Ziggler was echoing them when WWE informed him of his debut gimmick. In '05, he was introduced as Kerwin's golf caddie. Rory McIlroy and childhood friend Harry Diamond this was not.

The racist overtones to Chavo Guerrero's white rich man gimmick were offensive, clumsily handled and a real low point in the man's career. Worst of all, it'll forever be known as the starting point for Ziggler's own run. By comparison, playing a male cheerleader must've been like becoming the next Hulk Hogan.

The entire thing, between caddie character, White's presentation and its failure to hook fans, is something WWE will surely want everyone to consign to oblivion.

What else do you think WWE would want fans to forget about Dolph Ziggler? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.