10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Eddie Guerrero

6. Steroids

Look at the above picture. Notice that purple spots and scarring on Eddie's back? That's chronic acne, a side effect caused by steroid abuse. Eddie Guerrero was naturally small, about 5ft 7in tall, and naturally slender. There's no doubt that he needed some chemical assistance to look as big and muscular as he did. His massive arms, back, shoulders and cobra neck were a dead giveaway and it was obvious to everyone that Eddie was on the juice. That he died of a heart attack at the age of 38 confirmed suspicions. In March 2007, Sports Illustrated posted an article on their website, naming and shaming many current and former WWE stars who had been implicated in a steroid and HGH ring. Guerrero was listed as having received the steroids gonadotropin and stanozolol in early 2005. Obviously, this is not something WWE will want you to remember about the late, great Eddie Guerrero.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...