10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Eddie Guerrero

5. His Association With Chyna

When Eddie first arrived in New York, insiders were sceptical about his chances in the WWE. It was still a company that favoured size but, more than that, the company's top stars were all positively bursting with charisma. Would Eddie be able to compete in the land of the Triple H, The Undertaker, The Rock and Chris Jericho? Eddie was a hell of a wrestler, true, and had proved that he had personality when he was given the chance in WCW. But Eddie was not someone WWE thought would be a main event player: in January Eddie, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn all signed $250,000 pa downside guarantees, whereas Chris Benoit was signed for $400,000 pa. However, Eddie proved that he could be a superstar and get over, thanks to his unlikely on-screen relationship with the mega-over Chyna. As the Ninth Wonder of the World's slimy, distrustful boyfriend, Eddie was a hoot. They had undeniable chemistry together and the dynamic bizarrely worked. Eddie's best moments during his first WWE run were in his storyline with Chyna, as 'Latino Heat'. Not that WWE will want you to remember them, since they are doing everything they can do disassociate themselves from the unpredictable and controversial Joanie Laurer.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...