10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Raw

5. HLA

Wrestling is, by nature, full of shameless attempts at drawing television ratings. None seemed more blatant than the 2003 episode of Raw centred entirely around the promise of "Hot Lesbian Action", featuring a quite ludicrous build-up. Jerry Lawler hyped the promise of two women getting it on in the ring as only he could, a dressing room handily labelled "Lesbians" was shown, and various top stars were shown breaking off from their activities backstage to watch. The two unwelcome stars of the show turned out to be two seemingly random women nobody had ever heard of. If this wasn't enough to make everybody change the channel, even eager teenage boys were left disappointed as the "HLA" turned out to be nothing more than a poorly-faked kiss obscured by long hair and poor camera angles. The controversy was then ramped up as Three Minute Warning - the Samoan tag team of Rosey and Jamal - hit the ring for an unprovoked (and pretty stiff-looking) beatdown of the ladies, who were then stretchered to the back and never referred to again. "Wrestling" at its most shameless and infuriating.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.