10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Raw

4. John Cena vs Michael Cole

Speaking of going against 'Be A Star' with horribly offensive segments, the John Cena vs Michael Cole main event in 2012 rightly sparked a major controversy. Winning a prior match, and given the subsequent reward of choosing any opponent he wanted in the main event, Cena bafflingly selected Cole - something completely out of line with his usual character. One would expect Cena to pick a hated heel rival he was desperate to prove himself better than, or a respected ally with whom he could have a great match. Instead, Cena dragged an unwilling Cole from the announce table and humiliated him in the most uncomfortable manner, stripping off his clothes and dousing him in barbecue sauce. Although Cole was a largely despised heel, the extremely unpleasant nature of the "match" left many with a sour taste in their mouth. It's unlikely to be a moment the WWE looks back upon fondly when John Cena decides to hang up his boots.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.