10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About Raw

3. Katie Vick

If Mae Young's pregnancy was one of the most unusual angles in WWE history, the title of worst - or perhaps most distasteful - surely goes to Triple H vs Kane in 2002. Even today the words 'Katie Vick' cause many a wrestling fan to flush with embarrassment, or at least adopt an expression of grave disapproval. In a confusing - and totally unnecessary - addition to Kane's convoluted backstory, Triple H claimed the Big Red Machine once had an unrequited crush who perished in a car crash. That's bad enough, right? Wrong. The Game went on to claim that Kane returned to the scene of the accident and performed sexual acts upon her corpse, before later simulating just that in a recorded funeral-parlour segment which surely must go down as one of the worst storyline ideas in wrestling history. Fortunately, Kane went on to prove the rumours wrong and defeat Triple H in a devastating squash match at the next Pay Per View. Just kidding. Triple H won the feud.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.