10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About The Godfather

5. He Hated The Goodfather Gimmick

It's fair to say that many Attitude Era fans hated the Right to Censor, with their shrill alarm entrance music and penchant for trying to ruin anything that was seen as being unwholesome. That was kind of the point, at the end of the day - WWE were firing back at the Parents Television Council, who had been going after WWE and campaigning against the level of sexuality and violence on WWE programming by creating the heelish do-gooders. WWE fans weren't the only ones who didn't exactly enjoy the stable of buttoned-down brawlers, as The Godfather also didn't have the best time while wearing the white shirt and black tie as The 'Goodfather'. Yes, seeing the light and changing his nefarious ways, The Godfather ditched the hos and joined Steven Richards in uniting against smut of all kinds. It was a total 180, as Wright went from portraying a fun-loving, weed-smoking womaniser to a deadly serious ho-hater. It could have been intriguing, but it wasn't. Worse still, Wright genuinely wasn't having fun anymore and came to loathe the gimmick. He told Power Slam magazine in 2010 that he he refuses to even sign 8x10 pictures that show him in Goodfather guise and he doesn't like to be reminded of it. Speaking to Slam! Wrestling, Wright said:
I hated it. I just hated it. It wasn't me. The Godfather is so close to what I'm really like. Of course, I'm not a pimp, but that character was me just being myself, being 'the big silly'. (As the Godfather), they never gave me any (scripted lines), nothing. I would just walk out there, say whatever came into my mind, and do my thing. It was me. The Goodfather wasn't me. I did not like it at all.
Considering he'll be most likely going into the HOF as The Godfather, it's doubtful WWE will spend much (if any) time reminiscing about that magical time he partnered with Bull Buchanan and played second fiddle to a member of the bWo.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...