10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About The New Day

5. Xavier's Feud With Brodus Clay

Xavier Woods has spent the shortest time on the main WWE roster of all three New Day members, only making his televised debut in 2013. As such, he's had less time to suffer through embarrassing feuds or cringeworthy angles - although his initial feud with Brodus Clay didn't exactly get things off to the best start. Clay took issue with Xavier using his theme music (as well as borrowing the Funkadactyls for his ring entrance), and the pair embarked upon a stagnant rivalry, which never did enough to even earn a conclusion on PPV. If anything, the whole storyline seemed only to highlight WWE's inability to come up with anything original for Woods to run with. Had he not been given his big break in the form of the New Day, it's hard to see where he'd fit in on the current roster (except perhaps as a Heath Slater-esque comedy jobber). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewj7NLuloVM
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.