10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About The New Day

4. "Stupid! Stupid, Stupid!"

All three members of the New Day clearly love their current gimmick - that much is plain to see. The trio perform with such clear delight these days, it's sometimes easy to forget their prior careers as singles superstars. The biggest singles success story of all three is undoubtedly Kofi, who was once earmarked for pretty big things. In 2009, Kingston was booked into an intense feud with Randy Orton. He was the sole survivor against the Viper's heel team at Survivor Series, and even leaped from a Madison Square Garden balcony to put Orton through a table on Raw. Kofi's push came to a suspiciously abrupt end. Many felt it had something to do with the botched finish of a match, in which he mistakenly refused to stay down for a punt kick, forcing Orton to improvise and hit the RKO instead. Randy didn't exactly brush off the incident, springing furiously to his feet and audibly yelling "stupid!" several times. Given the Viper's superior position on the card, it's not too outrageous to imagine him nuking Kingston's push before it truly got off the ground. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-kxxFjiD6s
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.