10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About The New Day

3. Social Media Shenanigans - Pt. 2

https://twitter.com/wwebige/status/665642225100062724 Make no mistake about it, Big E. Langston is hilarious on Twitter. He regularly responds to his critics in kayfabe, from fellow superstars to fans themselves. He was even one of the first to react to Sheamus' shocking cash-in at Survivor Series, lambasting the Irishman for not "pulling his weight" in their earlier match together (which Langston actually feigned injury to get out of). Unfortunately, Big E.'s interaction with fans sometimes skirts a little closer to the line than WWE would probably enjoy. This tweet was in response to a fan's request for him to stop his overly-suggestive dancing at an upcoming show, for the sake of her child's well-being. Initially, the concerned mother didn't seem to take the joke well at all, replying "kinda scary since she's a little girl". Thankfully she appeared to change her tune a little later, joking that her kid's love of unicorns will probably disappear as a result of the New Day's antics. Phew; that could have got uncomfortable... In a different era, WWE might have given this a mention on the following edition of Raw. Instead, as with many of their superstars' edgier tweets, they maintained an uncomfortable silence.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.