10 Things WWE Wants You To Forget About The Usos

7. Pre Show Specialists

The Usos Tamina

Currently The Usos are undoubtedly one of, if not the best tag team in all of professional wrestling. While The Bloodline storyline has elevated Jimmy and Jey to the top of the card, that was still true before Roman Reigns took his cousins under his wings. Unfortunately, as is often the case for tag teams in WWE, The Usos found themselves relegated to pay-per-view pre shows early and often.

Prior to the advent of The Bloodline, Jimmy and Jey had 60 matches on WWE premium live events. Of those bouts, 15 of them took place on the pre show. Included in those numbers is six of the twins eight matches at WrestleMania took place on the adjacent Kickoff shows. While some standout matches took place during this time, it does not change the fact that Vince and company often did not view The Usos as main card worthy.

While some of this can be written off as WWE's blanket view of the tag team division, that simply wasn't the case for WWE's other top team. In the ten year existence of The New Day, the trio has only appeared in five preshows. Make of that what you will, but it shows that no matter how good the quality of matches or storylines given to Jimmy and Jey, they were often not viewed as worthy of a spot on the pay-per-view.

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Ryan Berglund, known to many as KendoStickMan on social media, was born in the bright lights of New York City. Being introduced to wrestling at a young age at Nassau Colliseum and Madison Square Garden, wrestling soon became a passion. You can find Ryan on Tik Tok, as well as every other social media platform @KendoStickMan