10 Things You Can Get Fined For In WWE

5. Alcohol

Triple H Kane Chair Shot

This next one may sound a little harsh, and if we consider some of the old road stories that we’ve heard about the wrestling business, it starts to sound downright ridiculous.

Per the company’s Wellness Policy, the use of alcohol is in fact prohibited amongst WWE talent and can lead to a fine of $2,500.

Of course, it’s worth mentioning the small print on this one. Wrestlers are expected to be “free of the influence of alcohol when performing for WWE” and are also “prohibited from using or consuming alcohol at any time within a twelve hour period prior to any WWE event or scheduled WWE performance.”

The first of those demands seems somewhat reasonable, but not consuming alcohol at any time within a twelve hour period before an event? My money’s on at least one or two guys having been in violation of that one in the past—and probably on more than one occasion, too.

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Kane Triple H
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