10 Things You Can Get Fined For In WWE

4. Marijuana

Triple H Kane Chair Shot
Pot TV

While fines for alcohol consumption may have seemed a little strict, punishments for marijuana use are perhaps a little more understandable—what with it being illegal in most states, and all.

The Wellness Policy states that “in the event of any positive test for marijuana, the WWE Talent shall be fined Two Thousand Five Hundred US Dollars ($2,500.00) per positive test, which shall be deducted from the WWE Talent’s downside guarantee.”

That figure has actually fluctuated in years gone by. Back in 2009, the company upped the penalty to $2,500 from the rather more modest $1,000, which clearly hadn’t been working after Brian Kendrick tested positive for the substance on 12 separate occasions prior to being released. Meanwhile, there are also stories of Scott Hall first meeting Vince McMahon and walking in on him handing out a lofty $10,000 fine to Brian Knobbs after testing positive for marijuana.

Still, perhaps the most interesting part of all of this is the Therapeutic Use Exception loophole that WWE can fall back on and waive any positive marijuana tests on a variety of medical grounds. Nicely played, WWE. Nicely played.

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