10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2010

2. Intoxicated Hardy Boys Shoot On CM Punk In Bizarre Video

CM Punk and Jeff Hardy had one of the most critically and commercially rewarding rivalries of 2009. The likeable, free-spirited Jeff and the preachy, heelish Punk made for natural adversaries. Their promos and angles were fantastic and they delivered between-the-ropes, too. However, behind the scenes things were not all well. The two men's personalities clashed and Jeff was deeply offended when Punk cut a promo at him at Breaking Point in October, in which the Straight Edge Superstar admonished the Charismatic Enigma for his high-profile September 11th arrest (after Jeff had left WWE).

It should be noted that Punk did that promo under orders from Vince McMahon. The video, which was posted in November and ostensibly filmed earlier that month, showed an intoxicated Jeff (and to a lesser extent Matt) shooting on their former foe. Jeff questioned Punk's lifestyle choice, called Punk a 'nerd', claimed that he made Punk a 'motherf***ing' superstar' before telling him 'F*** you!'.

Jeff's most damning attack, however, was his claim that Punk took 'Ambien' to go to sleep. Ambien is a perscription drug, which Jeff was insinuating would make Punk's 'drug-free' lifestyle a sham. Panning to Matt, Jeff's brother added that whenever Punk's then-girlfriend had a problem with Punk, Matt was the guy she would call.

Good for you, Matt.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...