10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ashley Massaro

5. Ashley Was Involved In Two Lawsuits Against WWE

Ashley Massaro Kristal

In their write up of news that Ashley Massaro had passed away, Inquisitor noted that the ex-Diva had been involved in two lawsuits logged against WWE since leaving the company in 2008.

The first alleged that the promotion concealed risks of injury that could have caused neurological damage in their workers. In the suit, Massaro claimed she had suffered from depression, anxiety, memory loss, and migraine headaches as a result of the bumps and bruises she took inside WWE rings during her career.

The second suit is even more depressing. It alleged that she was sexually assaulted at a US military base during a WWE tour in Kuwait. Massaro was appearing as part of the 'Tribute To The Troops' special, and said she was asked to keep any talk of abuse on the down low. There was no word on who told her to keep it quiet.

Ashley didn't mix her words, specifically on the first suit. She claimed that WWE staff told her to "shake it off" when she suffered concussions during matches and generally failed to ensure her health wasn't affected post-show.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.