10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ashley Massaro

4. She Turned Up Early At WrestleMania 23 And Regretted It

WrestleMania 23

In February 2008, Massaro appeared on the 'Between The Ropes' podcast and discussed her experiences working WrestleMania 23 in-depth. This was a landmark night for Ashley. She was working her first 'Mania in a singles match against Melina, and it was by far the biggest match of her career.

That fact wasn't lost on her. In fact, the magnitude of the moment made her feel quite sick.

Massaro told the pod that she turned up to Ford Field in Detroit super-early because she was so excited about being involved. That was her first mistake. When Ashley walked out onto the stage and sat at ringside, she immediately began to feel nauseous. 80,000 seats surrounded her, and she panicked when thinking about 80,000 people watching her work.

The rest of the day was nervy for Ashley. It didn't help that she and Melina weren't getting along at the time behind the curtain either. Massaro wasn't worried about the match as much as she was the sheer volume of fans though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.