10 Things You Didn't Know About Cody Rhodes

8. He Paid For His Own Acting Lessons

As time has progressed, WWE have expected more and more of their performers. The men and women who make up the main roster aren't only expected to wrestle matches, they're also called upon to deliver promos and backstage segments which come across as natural. To do so, they obviously require some degree of acting ability. Pro wrestlers aren't strictly actors, and many are untrained in that department. They do the best they can, which can sometimes lead to a stiff performance that would be laughed off the big screen in Hollywood. For that very reason, Cody Rhodes decided that he was going to meet the problem head on at the very beginning of his WWE career. No sooner was he in the door than Cody was paying for his own acting classes. Back in 2007, he followed the example set by few others and sought to improve himself. This likely pleased WWE, but also led to several other projects for Rhodes. In 2013, he appeared in an episode of the show Warehouse 13, playing a love interest of the main character. As of yet, Cody hasn't done much else outside of WWE, but his acting has improved his segment work as Stardust.
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Cody Rhodes
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.