10 Things You Didn't Know About Cody Rhodes

6. Has Only Wrestled Singles Matches Twice On PPV Since 2013

Cody Rhodes, as Stardust, is somebody WWE officials can count on to have a decent match every time he goes to the ring. Regardless of what he's doing, Cody can at the very least entertain. This is something he has shown time and time again, in a variety of roles. Despite that fact, the man hasn't really been featured in too many one-on-one feuds over the past few years. At SummerSlam 2013, Cody Rhodes faced Damien Sandow in a battle over Sandow's 'Money In The Bank' briefcase. The previous month, Sandow had won the Ladder Match at the expense of Rhodes, so it was only natural to position them opposite one another in the mid card at SummerSlam. Rhodes would win the match, but it'd be his last singles match on PPV for quite some time. Unbelievably, it wasn't until Fast Lane in February, 2015 that Cody had another one-on-one encounter on PPV. This time, he was billed as Stardust, going up against his brother Goldust. These are the only 2 straight singles matches that Cody has had on supershows since the Summer of 2013. He has been involved in various multi-man matches, as well as the pre-show 'Kickoff', but not the main PPV portion of broadcasts.
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