10 Things You Didn't Know About Paul Bearer

5. He Was One Of The Greatest Managers Ever Long Before The WWF

When people talk about the greatest managers of all time, they'll throw out names like Jim Cornette, Paul Heyman, Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan... if they don't add Percival Pringle III to that list, that's when you know they're full of it. I€™ve already touched on his management of a rookie Mark Calaway - well, he was Steve Austin's first manager, long before he was ever €˜Stone Cold€™, and around the time he first became €˜Stunning€™. He managed Lex Luger, in the bodybuilder€™s first ever match. He represented the Ultimate Warrior, back when he was the Dingo Warrior, Mick Foley as Cactus Jack, Matt Borne before he became Doink The Clown. Want monsters aside from the Undertaker and Kane? Percy Pringle stood in the corner of Vader, Bruiser Brody and Abdullah The Butcher. Want whacked-out crazies? Percy Pringle managed The Great Kabuki and The Missing Link. Over thirty years in the business, William Alvin Moody represented over forty acts and/or wrestlers, the vast majority of which he worked with long before he joined the WWF and started pancaking his face. That friend who recommended Moody to Vince McMahon was €˜Ravishing€™ Rick Rude, one of the most respected men in the business, and a favourite client of Percy Pringle III. Years earlier, it had been a certain Michael PS Hayes who recommended Moody to Eddie Graham for a managerial role in Championship Wrestling from Florida. Bill Moody€™s legacy extends far beyond his role in the WWF, as impressive as that role was.
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Paul Bearer
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.