10 Things You Didn't Know About Paul Bearer

4. He Got Far More Involved On The Territories

Paul Bearer tended to be more or less at one remove from the Undertaker€™s matches. As a rule, the Phenom didn€™t need much in the way of assistance from a dastardly manager, except to hold that urn aloft and warble eerily. However, as a heel manager in the classic tradition, Percy Pringle III had been far more hands on, getting personally - and sometimes physically - involved in the outcome of his charges€™ matches. Two examples spring immediately to mind. In 1979, our Percival worked a hair stipulation match in the American Wrestling Association. He€™d been representing a tag team called The Mongolians (the precursors to the Wild Samoans in a number of territories), and one of them - The Great Tio - was wrestling the late Nick Bockwinkel. Tio lost, and it was Percy Pringle III who would have his head shaved. He also took part in inter-gender match-ups with a female wrestler called Lady Maxine in mid-to-late 1985. Jeannine Mjoseth was a six foot two warrior woman, a post-apocalyptic Amazon with an elaborate mohawk: she was Chyna and Luna Vachon before either woman did their thing, and had briefly wrestled as Max Maxine in the WWF earlier on in the year, managed by the Fabulous Moolah. In brutal encounters in October and November €˜85, Pringle would be fairly comprehensively manhandled by the statuesque blonde. In the style of the best heel managers and valets, he was willing to do whatever it took to get the angle over, even if it meant squeezing his rotund body into a singlet and being pulverised by a punk dominatrix several inches taller than him.
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Paul Bearer
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.