10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ring Of Honor

3. Daniel Bryan Once Wrestled With A Detached Retina

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As Bryan Danielson, the now-retired Daniel Bryan had quite the run in ROH. He'd only hold the ROH World Title once, but it was a hefty 462-day reign, one featuring a series of blinding matches. Defending the title against the likes of Chris Hero and Nigel McGuinness, Bryan was a true workhorse.

That quality would shine brightly years later, during a match against Takeshi Morishima the man genuinely suffered a painful eye injury. In the midst of battle, he experienced the horror of a detached retina, but wrestled on regardless. That was ill-advised, but Bryan was determined to put on a show and finish the match as planned against the Japanese powerhouse.

Following surgery to correct the eye issue, he once again wrestled Morishima in a return match. Wearing an eye patch throughout, Bryan proved he was a seriously tough guy.

In his book, Bryan reveals that he had a backstage argument with Triple H after his match against Randy Orton was legitimately stopped on one episode of Raw. After working through a detached retina, it's not difficult to understand Bryan's frustrations.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.