10 Things You Didn't Know About Ryback

8. He Played College Foo...Baseball!?

For such a competitive, physically demanding business, its no surprise that a large proportion of professional wrestlers have a background in college (or even professional) sports. Huge names such as The Rock and Steve Austin played football, while athletes such as Undertaker, Big Show and Kevin Nash made use of their obvious physical attributes to enjoy basketballing success. Ryback's immensely powerful frame may lead you to believe he enjoyed a college career in football, lining up as a defensive end or terrifying linebacker. While he did excel at the sport in high school, his first love remains baseball. Ryback played in his freshman year at the Community College of Southern Nevada, and had aspirations of going pro, but saw his dream ended by an untimely leg break. It's pretty easy to imagine the Intercontinental Champion ripping a home run and possessing a cannon of a throwing arm, especially given his evident power and strength.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.