10 Things You Didn't Know About Ryback

7. The 'Feed Me More' Nickname Has Conflicting Origins

A popular story regarding Ryback revolves around his insatiable appetite. When appearing on Tough Enough in 2004, he was regularly shown chowing down between drills on all manner of meals and snack foods. Al Snow talks of how he'd hide protein bars in his pockets like a child stealing candy, and break into a sweat due to the effort of consuming so much food. Ryback's current 'Feed Me More' catchphrase is thought to have derived directly from this love of food, but the man himself has an alternative origin story. In an interview with FirstWeFeast.com, he claimed it stemmed frm his frustration at being held back, stating: 'Yeah, it happened when they were just giving me local competitors. I personally wasn€™t happy. I wanted to be fighting main roster talents. One day, I just looked at them€”to Vince, to Triple H, to Stephanie, to Kevin Dunn, everyone in charge€”and just screamed, €œFeed me more!"' http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x206zc8_ryan-reeves-can-t-stop-eating_sport
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.