10 Things You Didn't Know About Ryback

5. He Was Given A Familiar Gimmick In OVW...

Ryback was released from his OVW contract in 2007, but returned a year later as a singles wrestler. He actually won the OVW Heavyweight Championship in his first match back, defeating Anthony Bravado in October 2008. His reign lasted only two weeks before dropping the belt to Bravado once more, but Ryback finally had his first taste of wrestling gold. His gimmick at the time was one which will be oddly familiar to fans of the WWE's old developmental territory. John Cena famously won the title as The Prototype, a semi-robotic character, and a far cry from his all-smiling, all-dancing persona today. Ryback's gimmick during his time in the OVW main even scene was eerily similar, an emotionless, Terminator-esque ass-kicker. He was even given a single red contact lens to add to the non-human effect.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.