10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ultimo Dragon

2. He Was Supposed To Return To WWE In Late 2004

When Dragon left WWE in April 2004, the door was wide open for him to return. It was understood that Ultimo would return to Japan to take care of some business then come back to WWE in November. Yes, despite the fact that Dragon's WWE run had been a huge disappointment, WWE wanted him back and, apparently, Dragon himself fancied another go at the 'WWE dream'. Eventually, Dragon decided not to go back and to instead continue to wrestle internationally and train his students in Japan and Mexico. For a time, he wrestled as Super Tiger and The Tiger II, in reference to Dragon's hero, the original Tiger Mask (Satoru Sayama), before reverting back to his more well-know Ultimo Dragon gimmick. Why would Dragon have went back to WWE in late 2004? Was the money really that good for a guy who mainly worked Velocity and house shows? Was he promised a lengthy Cruiserweight Title run? Did WWE actually want to make him the next Rey Mysterio? The answer is actually a little more surprising than you might think..

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...