10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1993

1. The WCW World Title Changed Hands In The UK

steve austin brian pillman

World Championship Wrestling never did enjoy the same relationship with UK fans as experienced by the WWF/WWE. 

Maybe that's because Vince McMahon cornered the market first, but it didn't stop WCW from running several tours in the country over the years. Their first jaunt around Great Britain came in October, 1993.

Naturally, Davey Boy Smith was a big draw in his native homeland, so it was quite the coup to have him involved. During the main event of a show in London, England, Sting unthinkably pinned Big Van Vader to become the new WCW World Champion. This was designed to send the crowd home delirious from the event.

Just 6 days later in Dublin, Ireland, Vader regained the strap from his nemesis. Sting's reign had been short-lived, but it's fascinating to think that WCW booked such changes on a tour outside of the United States.

It would be the only time the WCW World Title ever switched holder in the United Kingdom, despite the promotion running another tour of the country in the year 2000.

What other big facts regarding WCW in 1993 do you know? Let us know what you think down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.