10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1993

2. Vader Never Practiced Moonsaults Before Performing Them At Beach Blast

steve austin brian pillman
WWE Network

Ole Anderson was not a fan of men the size of Vader performing high-risk moves from the top rope. Wishing the monstrous man would stay grounded, Anderson was left disappointed following the Beach Blast pay-per-view in July, 1993.

On that event, Vader performed a pair of Moonsaults during the big tag-team main event.

Teaming with Sid Vicious, Vader faced Sting and Davey Boy Smith to close out the show. It was quite the sight to see someone like Leon White perched on the top rope, right before he performed a backwards somersault through the air to land crisply on a prone (and not to mention very brave) Smith. 

Incredibly, Vader never even practiced the move before performing it on the pay-per-view stage. Instead, he decided to wing it and see what might happen, which obviously represented a huge amount of risk. 

Had he failed to rotate properly, he could have suffered serious injury, but Vader said during a Kayfabe Commentaries shoot that he was confident in his ability to pull the move off. Fair play, then. 


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.