10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1993

6. WCW Caved To Fan Pressure Towards Paul Roma

steve austin brian pillman

The 'Four Horsemen' faction is considered one of the absolute best in pro wrestling folklore, but even the greatest sometimes have their wobbly moments. 

One of those happened for the Horsemen in 1993, when the world-class stable welcomed Paul Roma into their ranks. WCW fans were less than convinced by the appointment.

Signed after being released from the clutches of the WWF, Roma was a competent mid-card performer best-known for being part of 'The Young Stallions' tag-team.

In WCW, he was placed in a unit alongside Arn Anderson, and portrayed as a top performer. The problem was, WCW audiences didn't seem to perceive him on the level of Anderson or Ric Flair.

By November's Battlebowl pay-per-view, Roma started to look like he would be moving away from the Four Horsemen altogether. Reactions to his appearances with the group had been decidedly negative, and WCW's power brokers were left with no choice but to come up with something else for their signing.

Moving on to a team with Paul Orndorff, Roma was better suited to the arrogant heel gimmick rather than life as a Horseman.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.