10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1993

7. Sid Vicious Could Have Bled Out Had Vader Not Been There

steve austin brian pillman

During a WCW tour of the United Kingdom in late 1993, an argument between Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious turned physical.

Both men stabbed one another with scissors, and the pair were promptly taken to hospital for treatment. If it hadn't been for Big Van Vader, Sid may never have made it to the hospital.

During a Kayfabe Commentaries shoot interview looking at the year in question, Vader told of his shock upon seeing Sid in considerable distress. Ambling towards his peer, Vicious had blood spurting from his mid-section, and it was coming out his body at quite a rate. 

Thinking quickly, Vader saved the day, and perhaps Sid's life.

Acting on instinct, Vader jammed his fingers into the holes on Sid's stomach to stem the blood flow. Obviously, this was far from hygienic, but it worked in the short-term. 

Sid was able to remain conscious until medical help arrived, which may not have happened had Vader not been present to aid him.

Later, Sid had his WCW contract terminated for his unprofessional behaviour. 


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.