10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1995

2. Alex Wright Defeated Both Triple H And Steve Austin

Ask any number of pro wrestling fans who Alex Wright is now, and only a certain generation will be able to provide you with an accurate answer. Known as 'Das Wunderkind' right off the bat, Wright was a German grappler signed by WCW in 1994. Straight away, there were high hopes that he'd be a major star of the future, but WCW fans never really took to the guy. That didn't stop management from attempting to push him relentlessly. Everyone from Ted Turner and Eric Bischoff, to many others at Time Warner were interested in making Wright a main event player. By 1995, things had slowed somewhat on his push, but the German did remarkably beat a pair of future WWE legends. In the space of less than a year, Alex Wright beat both Triple H and Steve Austin. In the case of Austin, he regularly wrestled Wright on the house show circuit. In WCW, Triple H was cast as Jean-Paul Levesque, and stared at the lights for 'Das Wunderkind' at Starrcade 1994. Later, he'd also lose several matches to Wright on live events and syndicated television shows. Alex Wright never became a big star, it's amazing that WCW chose to focus on him instead of Triple H or Steve Austin.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.