10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1995

7. Eric Bischoff Told Triple H He Was 'Geographically Undesirable'

Something Eric Bischoff was keen to do upon taking the reigns in WCW was restrict the amount of money the company were losing. One way he approached this was to limit the number of talents the promotion employed who lived great distances away from where WCW promoted shows. Paul Levesque was one of those performers, and it cost a lot of money to fly him in for appearances. This didn't sit well with Bischoff, who came up with a name for those who lived too far away. Dubbing Levesque and others 'GUDs', Eric reasoned that they were geographically undesirable. This meant that it cost WCW far more than it was worth to transport them to events. It's fascinating to imagine now that the man who would go on to become Triple H was discarded for this reason. However, back in 1995, Levesque wasn't quite the star he would later grow into. Instead, he was simply a mid-card level talent, one who didn't have the same draw or star power as some of his contemporaries. For that very reason, he was easy to chop from the roster.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.