10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1995

6. Ric Flair Warned Management Over Steve Austin

Another future headliner cut from the WCW roster in 1995 was none other than Steve Austin. Whilst recovering from injury, Austin was informed by Eric Bischoff's assistant that the company were terminating his contract. This led to a short spell in ECW, before Austin made his way to the WWF and eventually became the hottest character in the industry as 'Stone Cold'. In 1995, he was simply an excellent in-ring performer. According to Ric Flair, he routinely told WCW management behind the scenes that they had to do more with Austin. Unfortunately for both, there weren't too many who agreed with Flair's assessment of the wrestler, who wasn't viewed as a potential top star. The wrestling landscape could have been very different had those in charge listened to Ric Flair. Who knows where Austin could have ended up had WCW decided to push him and give him what he wanted. The man has made it clear that he did grow frustrated with life in the company, but it makes sense to imagine he would have stayed longer had management been interested in pushing him.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.