10 Things You Didn't Know About WCW In 1996

2. Giant Haystacks Briefly Feuded With Hulk Hogan

Kevin Sullivan had a big idea for WCW in 1996. It was really quite simple, bring British wrestling legend 'Giant Haystacks' to World Championship Wrestling. Renamed 'Loch Ness' for his short stint in the promotion, the gargantuan native of London was brought in specifically to join the freak show 'Dungeon Of Doom' stable. He was also there to feud with Hulk Hogan. By '96, Haystacks could barely move around the ring. During his heyday, the man was hardly sprightly, but he was clearly having immense difficulty wrestling. Bumps were largely out of the question, which didn't really lend itself to having good matches opposite Hogan. Throughout his brief stay in WCW, the Loch Ness character only made a handful of appearances. Diagnosed with cancer in real life, the man had to depart and move back to England. It's fascinating that Sullivan felt he'd be a crucial signing for the company. It just goes to show how thin on the ground WCW were for great ideas before the New World Order came along.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.