10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2007

4. Triple H Rumoured For Lead Role In Thor Movie

It seems incredible now but Marvel were genuinely considering Triple H for the part of the God of Thunder for their big-budget film version of Thor. How different things could have been if The Game had landed the gig. Would he have appeared in The Avengers? Would the film have been a success? Would Triple H incorporate it into his wrestling character? It was reported by several websites in mid-August that Triple H was in serious contention for the part. The news received a mixed reception from wrestling fans. He certainly had the physique for it. The film's director, Matthew Vaughn, was less than impressed with the news. In fact, he was flat-out against it. In an interview, Vaughn gave his reasons for not wanting The King of Kings in the film, stating:
I€™ll give you two reasons I don't put much stock in the otherwise very interesting rumor €“ €œChris€ and €œBenoit€. With wrestling taking its biggest PR hit ever, I would be incredibly surprised if Marvel were to take that big of a risk with Thor.
Marvel opted to go with Chris Hemsworth, instead, although the movie didn't come out until 2011, some four years after the Triple H story began making the rounds. His WrestleMania 22 entrance was the closest Triple H came to playing the Marvel superhero. That's probably for the best.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...