10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2007

3. Ken Kennedy Was Supposed To Be Revealed As Vince's Illegitimate Son

The summer of 2007 was a turbulent time for Vince McMahon. As a result of the Benoit tragedy, the WWE had to scrap their biggest storyline of the year, the 'who killed Mr. McMahon?' angle. Vince had been 'blown up' at the end of the June 11th Raw. This was supposed to lead to a months-long storyline in which Vince's family and the FBI tracked down the killer. When Vince was forced to come out and break kayfabe, which put an end to it. But WWE and Vince still planned to run a major storyline concerning the boss, which began on the August 6th Raw. Jonathan Coachman revealed to Vince that he was facing a paternity suit concerning an illegitimate child he had fathered. This went on for over a month, with every other WWE superstar trying to convince Vince that they were his child. The punchline? It was Hornswoggle. Hahaha. Ha. It was a disappointing ending to what could have been a pretty engaging storyline. Hornswoggle was not first choice, however. Ken Kennedy was. Kennedy had been a Vince favourite since he debuted in September 2005. WWE brass had predicted he could become the next Stone Cold or The Rock due to his promo skills. It didn't turn out that way, and 2007 was a bust for Ken. First he suffered a serious triceps injury and then it came out that he lied about using steroids when the Signature Pharmacy scandal broke. The mic master had ranted in television interviews and in online blogs that he had only used steroids before making it to WWE. Then Sports Illustrated proved that he had received large quantities of steroids between October 2006 and February 2007. He was suspended both in real life and in the storyline (for 'impersonating a McMahon') and de-pushed upon his return. Oh, Ken, you really didn't help yourself, did you?

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...