10 Things You Didn't Know About Zeb Colter

7. He Was Subpoenaed For The Bruiser Brody Murder Trial

Bruiser Brody's death in Puerto Rico in 1988 was a tragic event that reeked of corruption from the onset. Jose Gonzalez a.k.a. Invader invited Brody into a shower to discuss business and then stabbed the man. Jose would claim that his actions were in self defense and the Puerto Rican courts would ultimately acquit him. Zeb, known as Dutch Mantell then, was wrestling at that show as well. He has been outspoken since the event that the actions of the local authorities strongly suggested of a cover-up. One point he has brought up is how he was never given the opportunity to tell his side of the story in court. Dutch would be subpoenaed twice for the trial due to the original date being postponed. His first subponae would be issued on January 1st, 1989, but not mailed until January 13th. That is a suspiciously long gap. The trial's postponed and final court date would become January 23rd, 1989. Dutch would not receive his subpoena in the mail until January 24th. Dutch has suggested that the weak court systems in Puerto Rico were biased in Gonzalez' favor.
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Zeb Colter
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I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.